Monday, May 7, 2007

La Dolce Vita

Before I left for Italy, a co worker gave me a video tape of a aerial view of the southern coast of Italy. I wasn't too turned on by this gift and the video tape sat in my bag for a couple days. I finally put it on and was blown away! Not only is Southern Italy gorgeous, but I was seeing exactly where I was going. This experience was far better then looking at pictures, it made my trip real, tangiable. The plane follwed a windy road along the amalfi coast. I was watching as people moved, and cars traveled right in front of me. This was the best gift anyone could have given me. Today, I was on that exact road, in my bright yellow dress on the back of a motorcycle! Fabio took me to Postiano. We drove a good 30-45 minutes in the wind. The beautiful sea on my right and montenous rocks on my left. I screamed bellisimo not believing my eyes. This was like the same feeling I felt when I went to Venice for the first time, for a moment I was amazed, "this place actually exists"! At one moment I found the courage to let go of Fabio and lift my arms in the air and yell " LA DOLCE VITA" at the top of my lungs. This is the type of moment you wish there is a portable video camera that follows you throughout your life so that you can play this moment over and over again. This here is the life....

Positano itself wasn't as exilerating as the drive there. It's an amazing architectural experience. The town is built extending up a mountain. But aside from being beautiful, there isn't much to do in Positano. After about an hour and half of Fabio constantly begging for a kiss it was time to go. I think I'm realizing it's not the ex boyfriend, its that Im just not attracted to Fabio. I'm in the most romantic setting but I have no urge to be close to him and the more he wants to be near me the more I pull away. It's unfortunate because Fabio is charming, sweet, and we actually have a good time together but he just does not do it for me. I'm not giving up on him though, he's too sweet and smitten to let him go. Plus, having a couple boyfriends in Italy is definitely helping my limited money situation : ) Plus having a man adore you while showing you treasures in Italy is far better then paying a tour guide to take you around in a bus with 30 elderly travelers.

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