Tuesday, May 29, 2007


It's my last day in Italy and like a good american I have spent a big chuck of my day in the cafe searching the web for freelance writer positions. You would think I would be eating everything I possibly can living La dolce vita one last time but instead im obessed with doing the right thing and being completely prepared for my life back in the states.

My trip has ended abruptly I am torn with my return. Everything began to point to that it was time for me to go home so there is no denying that it's the right time but regardless of the signs I'm still not ready to face what I was running from. Which is probably more of the reason that it was time for me to go home : ) It's odd because there is really nothing in Sorrento to keep me here, It's just the fact that I have to come home... God, as I write I realize how spoiled I am. I have a very blessed life and at this point I need to take in the wonderful experience I have had and be thankful that I have a home and loved ones to return to.

Its been a wonderful experience and more then anything it has been a wonderful test of my abilities and seeing what I am made of. Regardless of your surrounding there are personal traits that will always follow you. Just like at home, I was late all the time, I found a group of people and a bar to frequent, and a found a gym to freguent. It definitely made me realize what was important to me and what exactly I need to happy exist. This trip has only manifested how important writing is to me and my soul. Therefore, I return with more of a love for it then a dispise for the career I have choosen. I'm scared to come home because I don't want to lose the piece and self confidence I have found here.

So farwell Sorrento!! I say goodbye to the blue water, the crazy aggresive italian men, the wonderful amazing food and the constant buzz or scooters and cars. I say good bye to my friends that I have found traveling. Just like the family you create on a film site, you become very close during the time you are together but most likely you will never see each other again. I plan to come back to Sorrento one day and I plan to always study the italian language. Therefore there will be a little bit of italy always with me. I'm going to come back one day and happily speak italian fluently. Farewell to my freedom... it's time to face the real world!! I look forward to finding out what I have learned on my journey....

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